Product reviews
November 26, 2023

This AI Tool Can Generate Awesome Comics In Minutes

ComicAI lets you turn your stories into comics with the help of AI. It's super easy and fun!

Jim Clyde Monge
Jim Clyde Monge

As Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to make changes across various fields; comic creation is not an exception. Forget laborious drawing and complex design work. Now anyone can turn their imaginative stories into fully realized, visually captivating comics with just a few clicks.

This is all thanks to an innovative new AI platform that is transforming the world of comic creation — ComicAI.

What is ComicAI?

ComicAI is a web app where you can turn your stories into comics with the help of AI. You input your story (or let the AI generate it for you), and the platform sketches out the characters and panels. It’s a space where your imagination comes to life, and once your comic is ready, you can easily share it with the world.

How it works

Sign up with your Google account or via Discord.

On the dashboard, you will see a prompt box to generate the story. You can either write your own, upload from a file, or use AI to generate the story for you.

In this example, I am going to ask the AI to write a story about two individuals who fell in love with each other.

Prompt: A story of a boy named Mike who fell in love with a girl, Mika, whom he met in a coffeeshop

ComicAI story generation
ComicAI story generation

The AI will generate a story based on your prompt. You can add as many chapters as you want to make the story more meaningful. Once you are happy with the story, click on the “Next” button to move on to the character creation step.

ComicAI story generation
ComicAI character generation

In the Character Design step, ComicAI understands the story and automatically generates comic images that represent the characters of the story. That’s super cool!

Additionally, you can make changes to the appearance by changing the description and clicking on the “Regenerate” button. Just be cautious, though, that each regenerate transaction costs 3 mana.

ComicAI story generation
ComicAI story generation

You can even save these characters for later use.

The next step is to generate the comic panels. ComicAI will automatically suggest scene descriptions, and all you need to do is make modifications as desired. You can also change the camera angle or weather conditions.

ComicAI panel creation
ComicAI panel creation

One thing I noticed is that you cannot currently select multiple characters in one frame. This can cause inconsistent faces in panels where there are more than one character. However, fixes for these issues are already underway and are expected to be released before the start of November this year.

The final step is to put the images together to create the final comic layout.

On the right panel, you have the following customizations:

  • Panels
  • Add text
  • Add frames
  • Bubbles for dialogs

Once you’re happy with how the panels look, you can check out the final comic as a single PNG file by clicking on the download button.

What do you think of this? I think this looks really cool.

Create your own character

ComicAI allows you to have a library of your own personalized characters.

Go to the character library, and under the generation mode, give it a name and describe what your character should look like.

Comic AI character generation mode
Comic AI character generation mode

You can now use this character in your next comic creation.

Train with your own images

Another feature that makes ComicAI super cool is the ability to train the AI model with your own images using LoRA character training.

It is recommended to upload at least 10 training images, which are:

  • Clear, high-quality images with a length larger than 768 pixels
  • With multi-angle or different camera angles (close-up, high, medium, or low),
  • Anime figures only
  • Consistent figures and clean backgrounds

Any inappropriate image will lead to bad training for your character, including fuzzy and low-quality images and incomplete and small figures.

Comic AI character training mode
Comic AI character training mode

The training process will take approximately 15–30 minutes. Once done, you can preview the trained model on the training tab under the character library page.

You can use this pre-trained character in your next comic piece.

What’s next?

The creators of Comicai are cooking up some more incredible features that are expected to be released soon:

  • More fantastic anime art styles
  • Model customization
  • Inpainting
  • Commercial use
  • 10 fast hours per month

How much is it? offers two primary pricing tiers: a free version and a pro version costing $15 per month. Here’s a breakdown of what each tier offers:

Comic AI pricing
Comic AI pricing

Additionally, if users run out of Mana, which is essentially a resource used on the platform to generate images, they can purchase more. A bundle of 600 Mana costs $3 USD, while a bundle of 600 Mana plus an additional 300 Mana (for Pro users, amounting to 900 Mana) also costs $3 USD

Comic AI mana
Comic AI mana

Note: They do have daily rewards, so be sure to visit their website as often as you can.

Final Thoughts

Overall, I was impressed by how fast I was able to create my own unique and personalized comics with ComicAI.

Although AI-generated comics lack the stylistic flair and depth that human artists bring, they have enormous potential as a tool for real comic creators and artists. It could allow them to rapidly prototype characters, panels, and layouts to experiment with different visual approaches.

I am looking forward to seeing how comic artists and storytellers utilize this technology as it evolves.


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