Product reviews
March 26, 2024

Kerplexir Is Next-Level AI-Powered Blog Content Generator

This AI tool generates 2,000 word blog in seconds.

Jim Clyde Monge
Jim Clyde Monge

Aa writer, blogger, or content creator, you know the challenges of consistently generating fresh, high-quality material. The research, ideation, and actual writing process can be incredibly time-consuming and mentally draining.

Sure, multimodal AI tools like ChatGPT, Google’s Gemini, or Anthropic’s Claude are easy choices. But they aren’t purpose-built for efficient blog post generation.

If you’re looking for an AI assistant optimized specifically for that task, I found a new AI tool called Kerplexir that is definitely worth checking out.

Kerplexir landing page
Kerplexir landing page

What is Kerplexir?

The purpose of Kerplexir is simple: to effortlessly generate high-quality blog posts with a text prompt and a source URL.

This AI-powered tool utilizes advanced natural language processing to analyze existing content and user inputs, then automatically generates comprehensive, well-structured blog posts in a matter of seconds.

Note: The web app is still in its MVP stage. Some features are still under development, so you can expect some hiccups in the current experience.

Here’s an example

Using Kerplexir is refreshingly simple. You just give it a topic along with any relevant source URLs you’d like the AI to reference.

In the example below, I wanted to write about the impact of AI on human programmers’ jobs. Recently, Nvidia’s CEO, Jensen Huang, made headlines by suggesting that people shouldn’t bother learning coding anymore due to the rapid advancements in AI technology.

Topic of discussion: The impact of AI in human programmer’s jobs

Source URL:

Kerplexir generate blog post example
Image by Jim Clyde Monge

Click on the “Generate” button, and within minutes, Kerplexir will write a full blog post and send the link to your email inbox.

Kerplexir email a blog post example
Image by Jim Clyde Monge

You can also conveniently check the progress of the blog post generation on your dashboard page within Kerplexir.

Kerplexir generate blog posts, example
Image by Jim Clyde Monge

The result? A 2,000-word article about the impact of AI on coding jobs is, well, impressive.

Kerplexir 2,000-word article about the impact of AI on coding jobs is, well, impressive.
Image by Jim Clyde Monge

I love the coherence, research quality, and structuring of the AI-generated content. Of course, it still needed some human editing in terms of voice, storytelling, and illustrations, but having that comprehensive knowledge base to work from made the overall writing process exponentially faster and easier.

Here’s what you can do with the initial draft:

  1. You can manually edit the draft inline or bring up the editing options by typing “/”. This gives you the flexibility to fine-tune the content to your liking.
Kerplexir editing a blog post
Image by Jim Clyde Monge

You can add more text using AI, insert a block of code, or upload an image directly within the editor.

2. You can also improve the formatting of the post for better readability with just a few clicks.

Kerplexir editing a blog post
Image by Jim Clyde Monge

Blog cover image

Another cool feature of Kerplexir is its ability to generate a coherent cover image. The cover image is placed at the bottom of the generated blog post.

Kerplexir editing a blog post image
Image by Jim Clyde Monge

This saves you the hassle of sourcing or creating a cover image separately.

Looking at the results, I am guessing the backend is using Stable Diffusion for the AI-generated images.

Also, right now, there is no way to change the aspect ratio of the cover image. It would be great if I could change the AR of the image to 16:9.

Let’s try another example.

Prompt: Anthropic releases Claude 3

Source URL:

Kerplexir generate a blog post
Image by Jim Clyde Monge

Here’s a snippet of the result:

Kerplexir editing a blog post
Image by Jim Clyde Monge

The result was, once again, incredible. Kerplexir managed to synthesize information from the provided source and craft a well-researched, cohesive blog post on the latest developments in Anthropic’s AI chatbot, Claude 3.

How much does it cost?

Currently, Kerplexir is free to use, with 10 free credits provided upon sign-up. This allows you to test out the core blog post generation and other features without any upfront investment.

The team behind Kerplexir is working diligently to introduce a range of premium plans catered to different user needs and budgets. While the pricing details are still being finalized, the landing page provides a sneak peek at what users can expect:

Kerplexir pricing
Image by Jim Clyde Monge
  • Starter Plan (Free): 5 blog posts per month, 5 images, V2 SEO AI, Basic plagiarism checker, Free support
  • Standard Plan ($29 per month): 20 blog posts per month, 20 images, V4 SEO AI, Advanced plagiarism, Free support
  • Professional Plan ($99 per month): Unlimited posts & images, V4 SEO AI, Advanced plagiarism, 24/7 priority support

Upcoming features

While Kerplexir already offers really good AI-powered blog post generation and complementary image creation, the team is hard at work expanding the platform’s capabilities. According to the product roadmap, users can look forward to a suite of exciting new features in the coming months:

Kerplexir upcoming features
Image by Jim Clyde Monge
  • AI-Generated Content
  • Customizable Content: Allows you to modify the tone, style, and complexity to suit your unique requirements.
  • Blog Analytics: Kerplexir’s AI autonomously analyzes your content and provides sources to identify key metrics like bounce rates and engaging keywords.
  • SEO-Optimized Content: This enhances your posts with relevant keywords, structured readability, and search engine optimization,.
  • AI Plagiarism Checker

A few ideas for improvement

Here are some ideas I wish the creators of the website would consider in future iterations:

  1. Support history so I can easily undo or redo the modifications.
  2. An export option to open the post in Google Docs, Notion, or maybe Medium?
  3. A richer control to adjust the tone, the length, and the style of writing.
  4. An optional upload of the best content by the user serves as a fine-tuning dataset.
  5. Ability to regenerate blog posts.
  6. Support templates for specific topics like tech, wellness, fitness, etc.
  7. Ability to change the aspect ratio of the cover image. Right now, it defaults to a square aspect ratio.
  8. Support for additional metadata information, like subtitles, tags, and a short description of the blog post.

I could go on and on with my suggestions, but I suppose the list above is a good starting point. After all, innovation is an iterative process, and the best tools are those that continuously evolve to meet the ever-changing needs of their users.

Final Thoughts

Overall, I enjoyed using Kerplexir and believe it holds immense potential for bloggers and content creators.

While the platform is still in its early stages, with some features currently under development, the quality of the blog posts it generates is already impressive.

On a personal note, as someone who has tried to build my own tech products and compete with the industry giants, I have a deep appreciation for what the founders of Kerplexir are trying to accomplish.

Let’s face it—when you’re an indie developer or small startup going up against billion-dollar companies with virtually unlimited resources, the odds feel enormously stacked against you. The market today makes it excruciatingly difficult for the little guys to get a foothold.

That’s why I’m rooting for underdogs like Kerplexir to succeed. In my opinion, we need more tools and platforms built by solopreneurs and small teams that actually understand the struggles and needs of other indie makers, bloggers, and creators trying to make their mark.


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